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Certified Life Coach

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Hi! I am Maren, the energy awareness coach. 


I have an awesome gift to see energy and love using this gift to support lasting changes in my clients. I see the energy symbolically often which starts to unfold a story of beliefs and trapped energy as I begin talking about it. It is an amazing gift I am very grateful for and love to use to help others. Additionally, several years ago, I learned that my thoughts create my feelings. This was something I had not been taught but has had a huge impact on me. 


What has helped me to overcome the struggles I experience are energy work + mindset tools. Through Jody Moore's Be Bold Masters program and Brooke Castillo's The Life Coach School I have gained extensive training and skills to you help you start living awake. 


The tools I teach help me live my life more fully connected to light, myself and others. I believe my life experiences have prepared me for this work and I am so grateful and excited to help you. 


I have found ME in the process and guess what?! I love her!


The life you truly want - to live fully awake - is right in front of you.


Come get it. 






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